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« Things to be aware of in the raw food arena - part A | Main | Looking forward to the next lesson - Sofia »

May 27, 2009


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Jackie....New Zealand

I have been using the pee solution to various problems for years!Another pee cure works very well on warts which I had had for years,,,well pee was but half the story..I also used snails slime on them and that REALLY finished off the pesky little and some not-so-little warts. The added bonus was that the snails didn't need to die and were gently returned to the back garden where they continue to live in peace ! Jackie, in New Zealand.

Helen Terry

Being barefoot outside just yesterday in the back property on acorns, old cockleburrs, twigs, dried grass and this time of the year, no scorpions or snakes. It feels like foot massage, and since I go barefoot inside the house, this outdoor jaunt feels even more so absolutely great.

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