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« The Raw Body Twins | Main | Where do raw vegans get their protein? »

July 08, 2009


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Rémond Walburga

Ich habe eine Renate Dorner in München gekannt. Ich interessiere mich immer noch dafür wie ich mich am besten ernähren kann und da habe ich diesen Namen auf einer homepage gefunden. Falls diese Nachricht an den richtigen Empfänger gelangt, würde ich mich sehr über eine Nachricht freuen. Herzliche Grüsse vonWalburga Simmel verh. Rémond

Jim Carey

Because cooking destroys the enzymes in the melon. See also on this blog, "124 reasons why sugar ruins your health."


I assume that think watermelon rind can even be cooked, fried or what not.
Why waste all the good stuff in it?
I know they can be boiled with sugar and then dried into very tasty desert.

Jim Carey

Hi, Jackie. I peel the green skin off with a potato peeler, then eat the rest. No, I don't find the white part too chewy. I even crunch up the seeds when I'm eating - saves all that spitting!

Jackie  New Zealand

Hi from New Zealand, I was greatly interested in reading the above info on watermelons. If all the 'good stuff' is in the rind is it alright just to scrub a non- organic watermelon very well if you are going to juice the rind? Hey! and how about chewing the rind that a possibility or would it be too arduous and even...ugh ?!

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