T. Colin Campbell, M.D., Ph.D.
- more excerpts from The China Study, by Dr. T. Colin Campbell
- Dr. Campbell spent over 40 years as a scientific researcher doing Federally Funded Studies for organizations such as the American Institute for Cancer Research, the American Cancer Society and the National Institute of Health. He has spent over 45 years as a dietary scientist, and has published 450 peer-reviewed scientific papers. The China Study is the culmination of his life's research, and in it he reveals the Truth and Myths about plant- and animal-based diets. Published January, 2005, BenBella Books.
"This is the story of how food can change our lives. I have spent my career in research and teaching, unraveling the complex mystery of why health eludes some and embraces others, and I now know that food primarily determines the outcome. This information could not come at a better time. Our health care system costs too much, it excludes far too many people and it does not promote health and prevent disease." pg. 12.
"If you are male in this country.. you have a 47% chance of getting cancer. If you are female... 38% lifetime chance of getting cancer... cancer is not a natural event... Old age should be graceful and peaceful." - pg. 12.
"Both diabetes and obesity are merely symptoms of poor health in general... and often forecast deeper, more serious health problems, such as heart disease, cancer and stroke." - pg. 14.
"Millions have adopted high-protein, high-fat diets based on books such as Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, Protein Power, and The South Beach Diet. There is increasing evidence that these modern protein fads continue to inflict a great variety of dangerous health disorders. What we don't know - what we don't understand - about nutrition can hurt us." - pg. 19.
"The results of ... studies showed nutrition to be far more important in controlling cancer promotion than the dose of the initiating carcinogen. The idea that nutrients primarily affect tumor development during promotion was beginning to appear to be a general property of nutrition and cancer relationships... a pattern was beginning to emerge: nutrients from animal-based foods increased tumor development while nutrients from plant-based foods decreased tumor development." - Chapter 3, "Turning off Cancer," pg. 66, italics by the author.
"So, what is my prescription for good health? In short, it is about the multiple health benefits of consuming plant-based foods, and the largely unappreciated health dangers of consuming animal-based foods, including all types of meat, dairy and eggs. I did not begin with pre-conceived ideas, philosophical or otherwise, to prove the worthiness of plant-based diets. I started at the opposite end of the spectrum: as a meat-loving dairy farmer in my personal life and an 'establishment' scientist in my professional life. I even used to lament the views of vegetarians as I taught nutritional biochemistry to pre-med students." - pg. 21.
The China Study is 417 pages, written for laymen, with 35 pages of reference footnotes and a 12 page index. It's full of charts, graphs, references - all of Dr. Campbell's supporting documentation. Get "the rest of the story" for yourself - buy the book - http://AnnWigmore.com/news/chinastudy.htm
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