Again, they don't get it. Big Medicine and Big Pharma give themselves all the credit in the world for helping people survive heart attacks. They don't pay much real attention to the fact they 'lose' many of those same people to heart failure. I thought the idea was not just to keep people alive but have them actually get better. Guess not.
According to an article in the New York Times, more and more Americans are simply living with chronic disease. They don't get any better and over time, actually get worse. It's a slow spiral to death. Take the case of heart attack victims just mentioned. They keep you alive for more pills or more surgery or more procedures, running up the tab for health care and not giving a better quality of life in return. It seems they are satisfied to have you living sick.
Well that's obviously baloney. Again, medicine treats you like a machine. You have parts. And as we all know 'parts is parts.' They can change you oil, rotate your tires, realign your front end... but in the end, they don't fix you. They don't deal with your core health issues.Again, Raw Living Foods offers up the 'gold standard' of health and wellness (because if you are healthy you can't also be sick). It is the raw, organic living food lifestyle as found in the Dr. Ann Wigmore Lifestyle. You hold the 'key' to fixing and maintaining your health - not them, obviously.
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