The raw food corner of the Internet is buzzing with the news that San Francisco has outlawed putting toys in Happy Meals, and other gimmicky tricks to sell food to kids.
Personally, I think it's a pity that we pass these forms of legislation. If we'd give more attention - and funding - to educating people about their health we wouldn't need laws like this. Because, in the end, people vote with their wallets.
Ah... but if health and diet education were done with public funding, who do you think would control the public service announcements and other "education?" Right... Big Agra, Big Pharma, the Cattlemen's Association, the Dairy Council and their ilk.
So that's not going to work, either.
Legislating health and diet is like legislating morality - you'll never win.
Good health comes through personal education, not legislation. In the end, it's up to you to take control of your diet and health. Like Dr. Ann Wigmore said in her famous book, you need to "Be Your Own Doctor."
Everything you put in your mouth reflects this, whether you realize it or not.
Jim Carey
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