By Jay North
When we look around the world and see our current
circumstances, we might consider asking ourselves, “What part does
personal responsibility play in all of this?”
A simple thing such as planting a seed may be all that is necessary
for people throughout the world to save planet Earth from extinction.
And now the addition of the no-till method to organic gardening and
farming promises a future of healthy crops without the normal harmful
effects and hard work...
While saving the planet from soil erosion and carbon loss, and also reducing water use, new age gardeners and farmers can reap the rewards of growing and stop the downturn in environmental challenges created by conventional agriculture.
No-till gardening and farming helps soil retain carbon. Healthy topsoil contains carbon-enriched humus – decaying organic matter that provides nutrients to plants. Soils low in humus can't maintain the carbon-dependent nutrients essential to healthy crop production, resulting in the need to use more fertilizers.
The Hopi Indians have used natural no-till methods of farming for thousands of years. No tilling requires no digging up of weeds, no fertilizers added to the soil, and very little water use. The Hopi also believe the simple act of planting a seed will help to insure the survival of planet Earth – An opinion shared by this organic gardener!
In no-till agriculture organic gardeners and farmers plant seeds without using a plow to turn the soil. Soil loses most of it carbon content during plowing, which releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. Increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have been associated with global climate change. The greenhouse effect is something we all know about today, but with no-till methods, we help reverse the effects of old gardening and farming methods and help insure our children will have a place to plant a seed.
If every organic gardener and farmer who grows crops in the United States would use no-till techniques and adopt management practices such as crop rotation and planting cover crops, we could lessen about 300 million tons of carbon each year. Not to mention the amount of money saved on no fertilizer use and the water savings - it adds up quick.
Commercial no-till farming has been around since the 1960's, when it was developed to reduce erosion of valuable topsoil from crop lands. Since then, the realization of the method's other benefits – a reduced need for irrigation, less labor for farmers, and increased soil quality – has encouraged its adoption across the U.S. and around the world.
In recent years, however, interest in no-till has risen due to its
greenhouse gas benefits, which results in farmers seeing another kind
of green, cash...
No-Till Gardening Put into Practice for the At-Home Do-It-Yourselfers.
Special note to all would-be organic gardeners: Saving the planet never got any easier; use the no-till method and save your back too...
No-Till Made Easy: Just Dig a Small Hole!
1) Plant a seed,
2) Water it,
3) Once it sprouts — talk to your new plant with kind loving words,
4) Don’t weed around it,
5) Water very little — never over-water. Let the roots go in search of water, and
6) Once the plant matures to the desired state, consume it fresh.
7) Speak kind loving words to the plant—save the world
It works like this: dig out a small hole in the ground. Dig it about 2 feet in diameter and 2 feet deep, refill three-fourths, place 5 or 6 corn, bean, or squash seeds. Put soil back in the hole, but leave a 2-inch area at the top of hole without dirt. This way the plant can collect water easily. Water lightly, wait a few days, and water a little more.
After a sprout appears water lightly once a day for a week. Once the plant starts to mature, cut back watering to once a week or once a month — no need to water far away from the plant you are growing for food.
Once corn, squash or beans are ready, eat them fresh — do not store
them. This way you not only get the great taste of fresh, but you also
get all of the living enzymes at the same time.
Yes, Save Some Too
Sun dry, can or jar what you do not consume right away — self-sufficiency includes saving food for the winter.
Taking Responsibility
We all certainly have a role in saving Mother Earth, and now the
no-till method for the at-home organic gardeners as well as large
commercial farmers can help save the planet and add many years to our survival.
Talk To Your Plants As You Would Your Beloved
Change conditions on planet Earth by adopting new ways to live a peaceful life. Plant a seed and speak loving words to it. Speak only loving, positive words to your crops. Sing to them too. They love it!
Organic gardeners are being challenged, and now they have a new opportunity to make an impact on our planet for the better. Reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere by reducing carbon content loss in the soil from plowing; use no-till methods instead. Use no fertilizers; play with your plants like friends — and save the planet, all at the same time.
We have come to find that through natural methods of producing food crops without the use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers we get healthy foods and live a longer life, free of the harmful effects of these and other unnatural growing methods. Now add no-till, save your back, save money, and save the planet.
Organic Gardening and Farming never got easier — at the age of sixty, my back loves no-till gardening.
Please visit today; order your copy of Getting Started in Organic Gardening for Fun and Profit now and to find out why thousands of followers have sought North's advice, publications, and consultations for their own healing and fertile future — a future of healthier bodies, healthier minds, and a healthier world for future generations.
ABOUT JAY NORTH – Best-selling author, social activist,
entrepreneur, organic farmer, and practitioner of the healing arts, Jay
North travels the nation and the world speaking about his spiritual
writings and the opportunities and promise of Organic Growing, Green
Juicing, and the Healing Arts. Contact Jay through is website