G'day, Jim
I am from Adelaide in South Australia.
I stumbled upon your website the other day, and took advantage of the 10 Ann Wigmore DVDs offer.
I had a look at your clips about energy soup and growing sprouts.
It was great observing you making these in your small kitchen using a blender you got from a junk sale and jars with netting.
went out and tried the energy soup right away,and it worked really
well. I have also started the sprouting. I've been feeling unwell for a
while, as well as being overweight, so I will give this a good go.
Years ago I read one of Ann Wigmore's books, but the wheatgrass,
rejuvelac, sauerkraut,energy drink and baby green routines looked a bit
complicated, and I didn't try it.
So to see you demonstrating the energy soup and sprouting made me feel I can at least start there.
don't think all that many people are into a raw lifestyle here in Oz.
Looks like it may be gaining a foothold over there in the U.S.. I also
looked at your 'Myths about Raw Food', and was astonished by your
statement that Lance Armstrong is a raw vegan. If that is the case, it
is a huge advertisement for the lifestyle!
Anyway, this is to let
you know I enjoyed your clips, and you will be pleased to know you have
got at least one Aussie giving it a try!
Peter Laslett
Thanks for the kind words, Peter.
Showing how easy sprouts, etc., are, was my intention with those videos.
my understanding that Lance, like Woody Harrelson was, but isn't now, a
raw vegan. I think this is something many people sway back and forth
to, if only because society makes it so challenging.
Here are some resources for you in Aussieland:
If you run into Julie, ask her if she's still skydiving?
Jim Carey