If you're one of the people that was disappointed because the chiDiet.com webserver was down yesterday, my apologies.
It was my fault; let me explain what happened.
Since I made the Dr. Ann Wigmore Raw Living Foods Home Study Program and Certification into an online program and put it on RawLife.org, it's been so popular that I thought I could discontinue the DVD version of the program.
But when I ran out people let me know, in no uncertain terms, that they want the DVDs and CDs. It seems that, after completing the program and receiving certification, that the students are becoming raw food instructors, raw chefs and raw food coaches, are using the books, DVDs and CDs as training material to share the raw food message with others. Which is fine...
And, yes, it's challenging to make DVDs from the online versions at RawLife.org, and, yes, the DVDs are much higher resolution with better sound quality than the online versions. Of course they cost more, and when I order I have to get quite a few at a time.
So I started accumulating a waiting list, and when I had enough people on the list I placed another order for a batch of Home Study Programs.
Well, when I let the people on the waiting list know that the new Programs were in, the stampede to place orders crashed the server at chiDiet.com yesterday afternoon. This not only took out the ordering system, but also the very popular blog (http://chidiet.com/blog/).
I had no idea.
So... it's all fixed now, the server has been upgraded, and if you're one of the disappointed ones from yesterday, worry not. There are still over a hundred copies of the program left.
Again, my apologies.
Jim Carey